I’ve looked for the data on outcomes of ASB-related possession proceedings as requested by Mark Isherwood AM and unfortunately the data isn’t available. MoJ possession stats don’t record the grounds used for eviction, and neither does our casework data system.

There is a lack of statistical evidence on the outcomes of discretionary possession proceedings. This means unfortunately that the dissent between ourselves and the landlord lobby on the effectiveness of discretionary grounds remains unresolved.

I’ve also looked for the kind of ‘market-level’ evidence that was requested by Alun Davies AM about the impact of the removal of the moratorium. There is a lack of data in this area too, and of course it’s difficult to assess the impact of a policy measure that hasn’t been implemented anywhere – but I would draw the Committee’s attention to the Welsh Government’s survey finding that around 50 per cent of landlords say that the moratorium prevents them from letting to ‘high-risk’ groups.

On this basis it would be possible to project that up to half of landlords may consider giving monthly periodic contracts, rather than fixed terms, to at least some of their tenants in future if they perceive a risk. This would have a widespread impact on tenant security.

I hope this supplementary information is useful. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if I can assist further.